[SOEL] Sons of Steel

We fight together, we win.


SteelReaper God Commander wants an Empire led by Sons of Steel clan.

Warlord has to deserve the honor of leading the clan to glory.
Tradition says that the Warlord has to be chosen by God Commander.
Clansman ́s struggle for honor and devotion to their God and clan, climbing the ranks until being worthy to lead the clan to glory and become the Warlord.

Warlord is the executive officer, the clanman who will lead the clan in battle (clanwars and strongholds...)
Commander dond't lead battles. Only manage the clan, choose Warlord and lead the Warcouncil.
Warcouncil is a room in ts3 for leaders decide the future of the clan.

RaisCall ID: 12925099

Klaanin tilastot

Jäsenten määrä: 59

Ø Taisteluja9170
Ø WN8768,12
Ø Voittoja48,08%

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