Mess with the best, Die like the rest!


~We are PowX - Powerful, Original, Worthy, Xenial!

~We are an old clan rising from the ashes.

~We are ready to play detatchments, advances, clan wars and also play in platoons to grow together, kill together and rise to the top together!

~We can be funny, but in times needed we get serious to do the best that we can!

~The rules are very simple :

~Be nice to your clan mates.
~No swearing in clan chat.
~If you are online and people are needed in clan battles - join ASAP!

~Rules for clan battles (detatchments, clan wars etc) are also very simple:

~When battle starts - only commander speaks so you know what to do!
~Killing teammates is not allowed! (Also includes shooting them)
~Teamspeak3 is a MUST!

If any other questions - message someone from the clan leaders!

Klaanin tilastot

Jäsenten määrä: 23

Ø Taisteluja9704
Ø WN8957,55
Ø Voittoja49,52%

Klaanin jäsenet



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