Welcome to Mister "NO" - "Feel free to join"


Welcome, anyone who wants to be in the clan is welcome! Feel free to join, be good and kind, do not do bad cautions because it will be registered and will be expelled and automatically. Politeness, kindness, mutual respect, humor, honest open conversations. / I don't care what level you are, you will progress over time and you are welcome in the clan!

If someone has indications that leads clan battles, feel free to let him talk to me, also if you have a sense of leadership battle and want to be the leader told me. Everything is possible and do not be shy to ask.

I assign good positions in the clan to everyone who joins, no waiting. Of course you have to prove yourself in the game over time and be persistent!

Welcome and forward to your friends and acquaintances. I hope yours will be a lot and that you will really enjoy it.

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