[WWF] World Wrestling Federation

The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his. Patton.


We dedicate this clan to those of the old and the new in the entertainment industry of the WWF now WWE .
With hope that each clan members take the name of a past or present member of the WWF or WWE. For those whom do there are plenty to pick from, please follow this link to the current WWE home page list of Superstars.
http://www.wwe.com/superstars. THIS IS OPTIONAL NOT A REQUIREMENT

Player requirements:
-Be competitive while having fun at the same time
-Respect other members of the clan, No exceptions!
-Whining and raging etc kept to a minimum please

Communicate using our TeamSpeak server: "ts58.light-speed.com:6008" Password is "benie"
(preferred but not a absolute must)

Klaanin tilastot

Jäsenten määrä: 5

Ø Taisteluja19157
Ø WN8900,62
Ø Voittoja46,82%

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