[USBP] U.S. Border Patrol

Don't cross us!


Must be 18 years of age or older.
Log into our website at-least once a week to keep up with news, events, & recent forum posts.
Install TS3. Instructions on how to connect are in the forum.
Be on Teamspeak while in game
Be active at least 10 hours a week
Lastly, don't be a douchebag!

You must first submit an application on our website with your in-game name
and info at USBP Website

We will check your info from the Website application first then accept you if you qualify.

Klaanin tilastot

Jäsenten määrä: 3

Ø Taisteluja2478
Ø WN81183,70
Ø Voittoja50,67%

Klaanin jäsenet

Kahakoiden tilastot



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