[P2A] Pro Second Amendment

For the fun of it!


Pro 2 A (Pro Second Amendment) is a group of players who desire more out of the game than just pub battles.

We hope to grow into a clan that can challenge the best of them.

We do not look at your Personal Rating as your action in battles can prove those numbers wrong and they have done that time and again.

We want victories but more than that, we want to enjoy the game. A good loss is better than a bitter win any day in our book.

We communicate via discord. Our channel link is https://discord.gg/FU3Bzzs

Haters need not apply!

Klaanin tilastot

Jäsenten määrä: 3

Ø Taisteluja18520
Ø WN8837,16
Ø Voittoja45,28%

Klaanin jäsenet

Kahakoiden tilastot



Pelaajan nimiMuutosPäivä
Shadow1968Lähti 24.12.2024 klo 20.18 UTC
Shadow1968Liittynyt22.12.2024 klo 04.32 UTC
Shadow1968Liittynyt22.12.2024 klo 03.32 UTC