[MSFTG] Misfit Gaming

Once a Misfit, always a Misfit.


[MSFTG] is looking for serious gamer's. You must be active and willing to be on teamspeak while playing the game! You must have at least 2 tier 6 and 8 tanks for clanwars. If you love World of Tanks, chilling and hanging out with friends and being good at what you do then join us and lets be one of the top clans in NA. Enjoy your gaming experience and we'll see you on the field!

☛Wn8 of 900+
☛Must Have More Then 2/Tier 6's and 2/ Tier 8's
☛Must Have Team speak 3.
☛Must Be active 3 Nights a week.
☛Must Be Respectful to all Clan members.
☛Must Be Mature When In Clan Groups.
These requirements may have exceptions
Allies: [HITMN],[RAIDM],[SVG],[_DRED],[RACE]
▛Show Respect to ALL players.

▛Listen to the Commander, and ALL executive officers.

Klaanin tilastot

Jäsenten määrä: 6

Ø Taisteluja2786
Ø WN81602,07
Ø Voittoja51,30%

Klaanin jäsenet

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