[BGK] Brazilian Ganking Krew

The Bank of Gank


~1200 recent WN8
~50% recent WR
Be active and willing to participate in clan events when needed
Own at least one of the following tier 6s - Cromwell/Cromwell B, T37, Type 64
Own at least one but preferably two of the following tier 8s - IS-3/IS-5, T-54 ltwt, T32, and Pershing
Must be able to work as a team and follow instructions
None of these requirements are 100% set and exceptions can be made on a case by case basis.
Be able to take constructive criticism.

If you have any questions or are interested in joining, feel free to send an in-game message or forum PM to Nanobot1100.

Klaanin tilastot

Jäsenten määrä: 5

Ø Taisteluja9058
Ø WN81877,75
Ø Voittoja54,20%

Klaanin jäsenet

Kahakoiden tilastot



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