the Aura Guardians is a clan that is to help all people who feel that they are always alone and don't mean anything to the bigger clans. we are here to help any one willing to join and play not for gold and prizes and fame but for those who want o have fun in the games that they play. we play world of tanks. world of warplanes. and soon world of warships. and we also do platoons. tank company's. stronghold's. and soon clan wars.
TeamSpeak info : T329.DARKSTARLLC.COM:10684
so I you feel lost and alone and don't where to turn or if your new to the game and want to feel apart of something when the bigger clans don't want you. you can always find comfort and care in the Aura Guardians where every voice and idea can be shared and heard.
see you on the battlefield and the air and soon the sea