[5THAD] 5th Armored Division

"We Will"


This will be a competive, fun and Friendship clan where all tiers are welcome. We are Co-Ed and players from all countries are welcome. Platooning and training rooms are encouraged. As we grow clan wars and strong hold will be added to are arsenal of fun and team work. Watch your bad language and respect for teammates and opposition is expected. We have a wealth of experience from advance players and retired military.

The 5th Armored "Victory" Division was activated on 10 October 1941, and reached the United Kingdom in February 1944. The division landed at Utah Beach on 24 July 1944. moved into combat on 2 August, driving south through Coutances, Avranches, and Vitré, and across the Mayenne River to seize the city of Le Mans, 25 February 1945 the 5th spearheaded the XIII Corps drive to the Rhine.........more here...

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Jäsenten määrä: 2

Ø Taisteluja18095
Ø WN8684,44
Ø Voittoja47,62%

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